Sunday, January 29, 2017

The Judgement of a Nation

                Unfortunately, to live in a historic time where one is tested is not a choice; the choice lies in how one responds.  And in the United States of America, such a time is where we find ourselves.  We are in a time of crisis. The word “Crisis” comes from the Greek word krĂ­sis, which denotes a separating, power of distinguishing, decision, choice, election, judgment, dispute.” In our time modern definition Crisis means a crucial or decisive point or situation; a turning point.  Crisis is thought to always be bad, but it is not necessarily; it is, however, intense.  We find ourselves at a crossroads, a time of political and ideological division.  The result is an unprecedented display of non-civility towards each other as citizens.  The result is an unprecedented series of actions from our government that severely threatens our basic rights, and more dangerously, the processes which keep our nation safe from tyranny. 

It has been said that President Donald Trump is like Hitler; but what does that mean?  What does it mean to be like Adolf Hitler?  If the qualification is an ambitious ego that thinks it knows best how to make a nation safe and prosperous, then we would have a long list indeed. If the qualification includes attempting to silence or discredit the opposition, or seeing any opposing voice as an enemy…again, the list would be quite long.  No, if we are honest many of the qualities of Hitler, many of the qualities of evil men and women live inside all of us; the seduction of using violence to bend others to our will is something we all face.  So what is it?  I would say it is not beneficial to compare President Trump to Chancellor Hitler.  It is useful and necessary to compare the current population of the United States to that of Nazi Germany.  It is time to compare us with the people of Germany in the 1930’s; the real sin, the real problem is a collective problem, a national problem.  Adolf Hitler would never have existed without the approval of many Germans, and the silent sanction of other Germans (The Nazis only won a 43.9% vote in the last free election).  And so today, we must face the fact that President Trump’s policies and our state of government are a reflection and a result of our collective sins; but it is not too late to change course.

Collective sin is a difficult concept for us.  First, many of us Americans don’t believe in God or sin; that is fine.  No religion is required for this discussion, and I consider the word “sin” has enough context and colloquial use that no explanation or substitution of the word is needed.  Second, Americans hate the idea of collective anything really.  To individually bear the burden of crimes committed by the mass, seems to us unjust.  The justice of it can be argued in a metaphysics or theology class, the reality is we do bear the burden of each others' sins; and as a nation no time makes that more clear than now. This reality, this glaring fact of our existence reveals another truth we are loathe to recognize: We are all responsible for our own actions and the welfare of each other; a truth so many of us have ignored or forgotten.  And the results are all around us…

While many Democrats or Liberals in this historical context will eagerly point the finger at the Conservatives and Republicans who bore this tyrant, it is important to remember that we are all responsible and bear the burden: a Tyrant in America is the result of the American People. For example with globalization came increased wages and prosperity for many. But for many in this nation, that benefit was not shared.  We could have done more to promote and encourage education and skill training for job markets that were growing.  We didn’t.  We could have valued and encouraged academic excellence over achievement in sports; we didn’t.  We could have had leaders in our communities and government that taught us the way forward in a global economy is away from manufacturing, towards education in technology and science; we didn’t.  This nation still bears the scars, burden and judgement for its own continued racial injustice.  Many (white people from all political backgrounds) would love to keep slavery, Jim Crow Laws, the socio-economic impact of white flight in history books.  In history books we can pretend that the impacts of those sins are done and over; but they are not.  The sins of our ancestors are with us still today, and I hope in time we will have the courage and humility to face these impacts together.  For we must remember just as we bear the sins of our ancestors, so will our children be impacted by the choices and the world we create today. And then there is the dawn of social media…

In this our collective sin should be evident.  As a people we have developed a culture of demonizing those who believe different than us; behave different from us; are different from us.  Are we then surprised at the recent Executive Orders to build a wall and prohibit refugees and immigrants from entering our great nation? In social media politics, we have become more obsessed with our side winning, then our side being moral.  We have become more loyal to personalities or parties, then to principles.  Together, fist-to-fist, we have created a divisive and violent culture that will not listen to others, will not reflect on self…we have created a system where we no longer encourage thinking, where we no longer value bettering ourselves as moral agents; the consequences are now becoming deadly.
  The symptom of a collapsing society is its eagerness to demonize and blame the foreigner: this is Human History 101.  Any sensible person will be able to discern that it is not the refugee or foreigner that is to blame for economic decline and breakdown in community…it is this nation’s citizens that are to blame.  But it is easier to judge others than to reflect on oneself.  And so instead of asking the question, “what is my role in this?” or “how can I or we be better?”  We blame the Republicans; We blame the Democrats; We blame them…we blame powerless refugees from a war-torn nation (?!?).  Honestly, how can we seriously think refugees or migrants have had any power over our National Decline?

It is imperative that we work to break these divisions amongst us.  Not that we must agree on policy; in fact, that is the VERY thing we MUST defend: the freedom to disagree.  But, how we disagree, and how we communicate and debate ideas, this is where we need to change.  How can we find solutions together; how can we begin to trust each other again?  It is not too late…we can change; together we can stand against this tyranny and be better for it.  Republicans would do well to reemphasize their traditional values of free markets, and decreased power to the Central Federal Government: be loyal to your ideals and principles…not to politicians. Would Republicans allow such sweeping orders from a Democrat unchallenged?  And would Democrats adhere to their principles under a growing tyrannical regime under the “Democrat” label?

In the end…we are responsible for our own actions, and for each other. Unfortunately, to live in a historic time where one is tested is not a choice; the choice lies in how one responds.  And what we choose, and how we live out those choices defines our humanity. 

May God have mercy on America.