Wednesday, December 9, 2015

An uncomfortable adaptation....

The Gospel in today's Daily Office is Matthew 23:13-26, and is Jesus condemning the Pharisees and scribes for their hypocrisy.  In the spirit of Advent and the prophets, I thought I would adapt the Gospel reading to address Episcopalians.  Though it is very very tempting to cast judgement on the Evangelicals and Conservatives (I confess I do it internally), I thought it more appropriate to do it towards my own religion. I did this first because that is what the prophets did, they cast judgement and jolted their own.  Second, I know more about my tradition: what we value, what he hold dear, and we profess, and how we act.  Third, I would be tempted to make a blanket statement to those who differ from me, whereas I know that this reading is not accurate to every congregation, nor every Episcopalian.  We have a beautiful church (perhaps adapting the reading from Revelation would have been more appropriate), but we could use being jolted and challenged.  So here it is:

"But woe to you Episcopalians, hypocrites! For you make apathetic the way of heaven.  For you do not embrace the wonder and vision of God yourselves, and when others begin to believe you discourage them.  Woe to you Episcopalians, for you expect people to flock to your decorated temples, but when they disagree politically with you, you judge and leave them twice as disillusioned as yourself.  Woe to you Episcopalians, who say, “don’t worry, you are not expected to practice what you pray, but you are expected to pay what you pledge.”  You blind fools!  For which is greater, the money offered to a building, or a heart offered to God?  And some of you say, “we can provide for the poor tomorrow, we can buy an organ for today,” You blind fools!  Where is your God found? In loving an instrument made by man, or in loving a person made by God? 

Woe to you Episcopalians! For you care so much about your hymns, vestments, liturgy, and processions and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faith and above all love.  It is these you ought to have practiced without neglecting the others.  You blind guides!  You sacrifice communities to offer God a cathedral! Woe to you Episcopalians, you hypocrites!  For you care so much about how shiny and beautiful your chalices are, but neglect the inside, which is full of self-indulgence and pride.  First thing is first…rid yourselves of these by remembering your first love, your first priority; do this and the rest will fall into its place."

Again, I am not raining fire down on my church.  My point is to challenge us.  I know my generation cares more about genuine acts of love than lovely buildings and vestments...sounds like someone else I have heard about ;).  Peace be with you all.  And may God bless others through us!

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